Music Is Us Webinar Announced

Ever wanted to learn more about your Music Career?
Now is the chance to spend time up close with numerous Industry Professionals!
If you've had questions about your Music Career and how to "Take Things Next Level" this is the place for you!
Our Exclusive Online Event will feature numerous Industry Professionals in Artist Management, Booking, Record Labels, and Law to go over the essentials. Learn about
-Music as a Business
-Music Marketing
-Releasing Music
-Touring and Booking
-Merchandise and Profiting
-PLUS an up close and personal QNA with the Pros to wrap things up!
Downloadable Music Release Guide
Downloadable Music Release Checklist
Downloadable Course Outline for reference
Downloadable Booking Checklist
Featuring: Chris Bianchi (CB Entertainment), Dan Janssen (Co-Founder Inkcarceration Music Festival), Dan Tsurif (Manager Black Veil Brides, and more), Jamie Roberts (former Roadrunner Records, Better Noise Music, Universal Music), Tim Buchenroth (FM Music Management), Nick Mishko (10&8 Management) and more!
Taking place via Zoom on November 13 from 7:00-9:30 PM EST. Visit